
12/01/2009 00:00

Chanukah begins on December 12th-19th 2009.

Christmas begins on December 25th 2009.



Adopt Now!!!

We have kittens in need of adoption!

We have kittens who need to be adopted right away or else they may be sent to the pound. They are currently seven weeks old. There is one male kitty named Blanco. He is white and very enrgetic. The second is called Wondrous and she is a beauty. She is a gray to white color. Then we have Eye Shadow, nicknamed "Munchkin." She is the runt. She is gray and white. All were strays and love people! Please adopt or give a donation so that we can pay for all of their expenses. If you are interested in adopting or donating money, please email Chana.

So sorry, but you will not find information about Wondrous in the flyer below. She is very special and will only be given at a reasonable price that fits her looks and personality.

Important: Click on the picture below.



Chana, Leemor, and Chana Tova

Open to emails and phone calls from 5:30 to 9:00 PM. We are usually available on Sundays to Thursdays. We will absolutely not answer any calls on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings including afternoons.


Below is Chana's email.

Got any pets?

Have you got any pets that need adoption or need to be sold? Contact Dog Train, Wash, and Walk right now. We'll gladly help you find homes for them and advertise on our website for..........FREE!!!

If you have pedigreed dogs (specifically dogs only), you can always go to Breeders Direct website. It is not free, but is a wonderful place to advertise your dogs or puppies.